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Brand new flyers

A lot has happened since we last published the flyers. It was about time to bring some information up to date. Why not give it a completely new look?

Structured, colorful and playful. The blue Bionicum flyer and the red educational flyer reveal everything worth knowing when opened and unfold into decorative posters. There are colorful postcard-sized flyers for the individual workshops. Browse them the next time you visit the zoo!

If you would like us to send you flyers, please contact:

Bionicum robot family

Three humanoid robots live in the Bionicum. The NAOs are from Paris, out of the workshops of the Aldebaran company. They find optimal living conditions in research laboratories and educational institutions. NAOs show us what already can be done with robotics to this day and what needs improvement. Getting up, walking and finding faces – NAOs come with that. The NAOs in the Bionicum have learned a bit more: they crack jokes, get you fit and hit the dancefloor. But watch out and don’t be fooled by their innocent looks. They can and will drive their colleagues crazy. And each robot has its own personality, so browse through.

The spider robot Ohm-crawler is at home in a burrow next door. Like its natural role model, the Mexican redknee spider, this robot has significantly more legs than its NAO colleagues. The ease with which the spider moves inspired the Nuremberg Institute of Technology Georg Simon Ohm and the Bionicum to build this innovative rescue robot.

New exhibit: 3D printing like in nature

There is a new participatory exhibit in the Bionicum! Pupils from Johann-Pachelbel-Realschule have inaugurated it. Even more: they have made dioramas of forests, for which the 3D printer is gradually printing animal “inhabitants”. Thassilo Franke from the Munich Science Communication Lab presented a beautiful example from nature – a colorful nest of wasps. How does something like this come about and what does it have to do with the 3D printer? See for yourself at the Bionicum…


For home schooling and digital learning, the Bionicum offers numerous online services. Have fun browsing.

Zoo Rallyes with your Smartphone

Hunt for bionic traces on your own in the zoo. Well, we have a few tips for you. All offers are free of charge, but at the moment German only.

Annual Conference Ideenforum

The Bionicum is a fascinating museum for interested visitors as well as educators, researchers and innovators.

The goal of the annual conference Bionicum Ideenforum is to gather all these relevant players under one roof and bring them into an exchange with each other.

The conference takes place annually in spring and communicates changing, yet current research topics at the Bionicum – with direct contact to nature in the Zoo Nuremberg.


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Teacher training

We offer in-depth information workshops for teachers, in which we provide theoretical and practical insights. In addition, teachers can experiment and slip in the role of students themselves.

Option A

For teacher groups of 7 or more, the Bionicum offers independent training for teachers. We can arrange the topics in consultation individually. The cost is 5 Euro per hour and per participant. For more information dial 0911/65 08 45 00.

Option B

For individual teachers, the Bionicum offers regular teacher trainings with our cooperation partners. Find out more about dates on our website or at the Bavarian platform of teacher trainings FIBS (Fortbildung in bayerischen Schulen)

Bionicum Workshops

Learning by doing

In our workshops for children and young people, we offer in-depth thematic activities. Under the guidance of the Bionicum team, participants can build and test exciting inventions of nature in our exhibition. The workshops are tailored to the curriculum for the specified grades. The length can be arranged individually, from 1 to 2.5 hours. Cost may apply, please talk to us…

Workshops are offered in German as standard. If you are interested in an English program, please contact us.

Exploring the Bionicum and the Zoo

Please arrage your visit four weeks in advance – using the contact form below, or dial (0911) 65 08 45 00. Alternatively E-mail us:

Bionicum Research

The Bionicum has started with its own research projects. From 2014 to 2019, animal and plant motion mechanisms were explored and tested for more efficient human technology at the Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and the Institute of Technology Nuremberg. The projects were supported by the Bavarian Ministry for Environment and the Nuremberg Zoo.


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