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Yay, the SENDUNG MIT DER MAUS has dropped by!

Die Maus sent Johannes to the Bionicum and the Nuremberg Zoo to find out why animals glow in the dark and how exactly they do it. Want to know more?

Here you can find Die Maus-story about Glowing animals

A few pictures from the filming:

On Lucy’s paw paths

Lost in thought, Lucy the cat looks into the distance. What’s going through her mind right now? We accompanied Lucy on her expeditions. Her huge territory is in the Nuremberg Zoo. Here, there are well-meaning people like Kerstin, who are happy to keep a place on the desk ready for her. And outside, in the zoo, adventures await her: animals, visitors, zoo keepers. Where does she like to spend more time? Lucy decides according to her mood. And then there are the many shady trees where she can take a nap or meditate – for example, about how many trees form a forest. Let’s follow her paw paths in the new YouTube film:


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Bionics – How nature can inspire technical innovations

“What does a desert lizard have to do with solar power plants?”

A look at nature shows that imagination and ingenuity are not unique to us humans. In the course of evolution, animals and plants have developed structures, processes and constructions that make them optimally adapted to their habitat.

Bionics makes use of the biological pool of ideas and implements these developments technically. But how important are such technical innovations for the development of society, how are they promoted, and what role do start-up companies and the political framework play in this?

These and many other questions were answered by Dr. Eva Gebauer and Prof. Stephan Seiter at the Webtalk with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation. Many thanks to to Nicole Köster for the great moderation! ♥


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Universität Würzburg – BEEgroup Biozentrum

Bienen: Selbstorganisation und selbststrukturierende Materialien


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Universität Würzburg
Josef-Martin-Weg 52/2
97074 Würzburg

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Tautz

Tel.: 0931 31-84319


HOBOS (HOneyBee Online Studies) ist ein Labor, das bislang weltweit ohne Beispiel ist und das über das Internet allen Nutzern vollkommen neuartige Möglichkeiten eröffnet. Der freie Zugang zu allen Daten, live oder abrufbar über die Datenspeicher, ist Beispiel für eine Offene Wissenschaft, verfügbar für Grundlagenforschung und Ausbildung. Wissenschaftlern, Lernenden und einer breiten interessierten Öffentlichkeit wird ermöglicht, alle erfassten Vorgänge im Bienenstock zu verfolgen und über eigene Fragen Forschungen anzustellen. Als ein Resultat wird am Studium des Lebens der Honigbiene die Komplexität aber auch die Verletzlichkeit der Natur deutlich.


„Ich mache Bionik weil …“ es mir ein Anliegen ist, die MINT-Fächer über die Honigbiene als Brücke und Motivator attraktiv zu machen.

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HOBOS ist non-profit und für jedermann im Internet zugänglich. Ich wünsche mir Partner aus Bildungseinrichtungen.

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Time Travel App “Bionik2Future”

The Bionicum has developed the app “Bionik2Future” to accompany the special exhibition “Bionik to the Future” – available in German and English. The app enables all users to take a journey to the year 2050.

There you will discover how the inventions of the BayBionik project network have shaped the everyday routine. Experience for yourself how practical unbreakable ceramic cups are, how owl-neck grippers give us a hand and how pitcher plant coatings keep snails away from vegetable patches. As a time tourist you are traveling in Nuremberg in the future. Your Task ist to collect energy points to get back to the present safely – while gaming, reading comics or taking quizzes. Can you make the journey back? Your travel photo will tell…

Educational program

The time journey can be booked as an educational program at the Bionicum. It is also suitable for use in the classroom or – quite comfortably – at home on the sofa.

To make the journey as easy as possible for you, there is a film with instructions on how to play on our YouTube Channel: Time Travel Challenge using the App Bionik2Future