New exhibit: 3D printing like in nature

There is a new participatory exhibit in the Bionicum! Pupils from Johann-Pachelbel-Realschule have inaugurated it. Even more: they have made dioramas of forests, for which the 3D printer is gradually printing animal “inhabitants”. Thassilo Franke from the Munich Science Communication Lab presented a beautiful example from nature – a colorful nest of wasps. How does something like this come about and what does it have to do with the 3D printer? See for yourself at the Bionicum…

Yay, the SENDUNG MIT DER MAUS has dropped by!

Die Maus sent Johannes to the Bionicum and the Nuremberg Zoo to find out why animals glow in the dark and how exactly they do it. Want to know more?

Here you can find Die Maus-story about Glowing animals

A few pictures from the filming:

Special Exhibition

Schillernd schön – Iridescently beautiful

Nature is full of colours – from soft nuances to magnificent tones. Not all of them are based on pigments. Some colour impressions are caused by the structure of the surface. Depending on the incidence of light, iridescent colour effects are created.

Luminous butterflies and dazzling beetles also inspired the Augsburg photographer Thomas Büchsemann to take razor-sharp macro pictures. This requires a good eye and a good dose of inventiveness.

In the special exhibition at the Bionicum you find out how many individual steps are necessary for one single photograph. At the same time you observe the fascinating insects up close. Try out how iridescent colors are created in nature and how such surfaces can be produced in the laboratory.

Made possible with materials from the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and the Bavarian Natural History Collections (SNSB).

The FAU has even made a short video for the special exhibition. Take a look and try it out at the Bionicum.


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Impressions of the special exhibition

Please note:

The former special exhibition Bionik to the Future ist still available: You can still do the the time travel with our app Bionik2Future. Just click below…


The Bionicum is an interactive exhibition. Both children and adults can immerse themselves in bionics via original exhibits, hands-on experiments and exciting background information.


In addition to the indoor exhibition, we have developed various offers in the open ground. Many animals and plants serve as models for new inventions. In our offers on the grounds of the zoo, the principles of bionics can be experienced live and in color in view of the natural models.